Intimate with partner during pregnancy affect the child mental health Know about truth vs myths

Intimate with partner during pregnancy affect the child mental health Know about truth vs myths

There are some things that should be avoided during pregnancy. Like what should a pregnant woman eat and what should she not? What food will benefit the baby and what food will harm the baby. One should not travel. Apart from all these things, a special advice is given to the husband and wife that they should not have sex during this period i.e. for 9 months. Because it is said that having sex has a bad effect on the mental health of the child.

Actually, ABP Live Hindi has started a series on ‘Myth vs Facts’. Through this series, we will try to answer all the myths about pregnancy in the society, which people follow thinking them to be true, in a logical manner.

In the ‘Myth vs Facts’ series, we raise such issues. We try to get to the bottom of it. People often use it in their colloquial language. For example, in our society, there are many things about pregnancy that doctors consider myths. Through this Myth VS Truth series, we will present such things to the general public with facts. So that you do not get trapped in the quagmire of old-fashioned false things.

Myths Vs Facts: After how many months should husband and wife not have sex during pregnancy?

While answering this question, Dr. Archana Nirula, a renowned doctor from South Delhi, says that having sex during pregnancy is considered dangerous because it increases the risk of miscarriage. But in medical terms, it is called Spontaneous Abortion.

The risk of miscarriage increases a lot in the initial days of pregnancy. There can be many reasons for miscarriage. The doctor further says that if the pregnancy is healthy then you can have sex for the first three months. During this time you can also do exercise and yoga so that miscarriage does not happen.

On the other hand, having sex in the second trimester of pregnancy can be very dangerous. Therefore, the husband and wife should avoid having sex as it can prove dangerous for both the child and the mother. Doctors clearly deny that having sex in the fourth month can prove dangerous for the child. If a woman has repeated miscarriages, then the woman should take rest. Climbing stairs, lifting heavy items or traveling should be avoided.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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